Category Archives: Bangladesh Factory Fire

50 Years Strong! Long live the PLP!

From South Carolina to the Middle East, capitalism keeps killing the working class. From bombs falling on Shia to bullets blasting their way into the back of another unarmed Black worker being fired out of the gun of a KKKop, the violence of this economic system continues to brutalize the working class.

Every bomb that falls in Syria or Iraq as the jihadist fascists fight the imperialist puppet fascists and workers keep getting slaughtered is a testament to the need for Progressive Labor Party’s egalitarian vision of Communism. 50 years ago, the international Communist movement appeared to be unstoppable. There were no suicide bombers or Jihadists in the Middle East because there was a powerful Communist movement that inspired the working class with a secular humanist vision grounded in the need to improve our society to benefit everyone. The essence though, was that that movement was flawed due to it being based on maintaining capitalist economic and social relationships.

PLP was born out of breaking with the old CP-USA. The CP was Communist in name only because they had abandoned fighting for Communism by then. By breaking with the CP, PLP was then able to continue the fight against revisionism as an integral part of the fight for Communism. Half a century later and Stalin’s warning of the dark ages of human history should the Communist Movement fail have now come true. The worst part is that these are still the good old days. Nobody has fired off the nukes yet, people are still eating, and the first world countries can still live in the bubbles of safety that come at the expense of the rest of the world’s billions of workers remaining in oppressive exploitation at the behest of profit.

China is now the most oppressive regime in the world. It is wantonly destroying the environment in our already damaged oceans by building landing strips on top of corral reefs in the South China Sea in order to impose their imperialistic aims on The Evil Empire. The US Evil Empire is worried about this strategy, as it will be able to deny them from their pivot to Asia. It looks like the US’s pivot to Asia is going as well as their last two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The only war the US has been successfully winning has been the class war they are waging as pigs are free to kill and deport Black and undocumented workers, hospitals are closed and schools are being redesigned to meet the needs of the imperialists. Two years ago, many workers died in a factory fire in Bangladesh, yet the factories are still unsafe and still making vast profits for the bosses. The working class in the US and all over the world is under attack by capitalism.

Half a century ago, the world was divided into two camps, Soviet Imperialism crept under the guise of Communism – even though millions of workers were inspired by Communist ideas, The USSR used them to advance their imperialist aims. Today, the world is still divided by inter-imperialist rivalry and they have no scruples in what fascist groups they use. The Evil Empire uses Nazis in Ukraine and Jihadists in Syria, Iraq, and China to challenge Russian and Chinese imperialism.

In order for a ruling class to build imperialism abroad, they must build fascism at home even more intensely. These fascist attacks in the US use the tried and true strategy of divide and conquer in order to attack the working class as a whole. The fascist attack on education was first done in New York City, and then spread to the mostly white upstate area. It is now affecting them. The attacks on Black workers help to set up the attacks on White workers because “labor in the White skin will never be free so long as Labor in the Black skin is in chains.” Walter Lamer Scott was another victim of the racism that capitalism needs in order to maintain itself. The racist pig Michael Slager who murdered him is on charges of murder, but how many other racist murders have happened since? How many more will happen? It is not just one cop doing the killing, but the system of capitalism requiring the force and terror of the state in order to protect its profit system.

PLP has broken with the Old Communist Movement’s (OCM) focus on reformism, vanguardism, and the two stage theory. Though PLP will always fight to alleviate the burden of wage slavery and the inherent injustice under capitalism, we are clear that this is part of the uncompromising struggle for Communism. We know that capitalism can never be reformed to meet the needs of the working class just as slaves could never run the plantations in order to get rid of slavery. PLP is a mass party dedicated to relying on and trusting the working class. The OCM didn’t believe that the masses could grasp the ideas of Communism and fight for it directly. We do. We know that the working class has built this world and will rebuild a better world. We know that the working class is at its best under Communist leadership. We know that one Party dedicated to creating one world of the working class is what’s needed. Finally, PLP has negated the struggle for socialism. Socialism is just another form of capitalism. Egalitarian profit-based wage slavery can never emancipate the working class. The same ideological superstructure is necessary in order to maintain an economic base predicated upon systemic inequality.

Communism is the answer to the problems wracking the world today. From the way that homosexuals are treated all over the world, to the racist attacks happening in South Africa as one group of workers uses nationalism and racism to attack another group, to racist pigs blasting our working class brothers and sisters on the streets of the US, to fascists massacring villages and rewarding themselves with young girls as sex slaves, the world needs an answer that is based on a scientific understanding of necessity rejecting racism, sexism, and nationalism. We need to organize based on class, the relationship to production, and fight for Communism. In order to do that, we must build PLP wherever we are so that the next 50 years will see victory for the world’s working class. PLP started with less than 20 dedicated revolutionaries in a room of a seedy hotel and has now spread to over 20 countries on 4 continents. We can’t be stopped and we won’t stop until we have ultimately emancipated the working class from all forms of slavery. PLP fighting for Communism is the only hope for mankind.

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Workers are Fighting Fascism in Greece and Bangladesh

The working class all over the world has been under severe attack.  The primary conflict of inter-imperialist rivalry has been intensifying, as can be seen in recent events in Syria and a warming between US and Iran.  Whether or not this is a tipping point in the balance of forces between the US, Russia, and their allies, client states, and proxies, there are examples of the working class fighting back against fascism and for better wages.


When a neo-Nazi member of Golden Dawn in Greece murdered an anti-racist, anti-fascist rapper, Pavlos Fyssas, running street battles have continued to ensue.  These street battles are against the backdrop of the Troika’s, representative of the major international capitalists, attack on the working class.  Thousands and thousands of workers have been fired and are in a desperate situation.  The unions, though organizing massive one-day strikes, will not threaten the capitalist class’ hold on state power.  The forces of fascism are growing in order to protect the capitalist state as it seeks to keep the working class oppressed and exploited under the boot of capital. 


Unfortunately, the revisionist Communist Party in Greece and other Marxist parties are not the ones leading the charge to smash the fascist Golden Dawn fascists.  The fightback is being led by Anarchists, a reactionary ideology parading as revolutionary and making a resurgence in Greece.   The Progressive Labor Party recognizes the contradiction of supporting the brave anti-fascists who are fighting both the organized force of the state, riot cops, and the forces of fascism.  We do not support Anarchism and recognize it to be a dead end for working class liberation.  We do support and are in solidarity with Anarchists smashing fascists.  PLP’s motto has been and always will be, “Death to the fascists! Power to the workers!”


Massive strikes are also occurring in Bangladesh as over 50,000 garment workers rallied in Dhaka.  The workers in Bangladesh provide $20 Billion dollars worth of production international capitalists, yet they make about half of what a Cambodian factory worker will make.  They were offered a raise of 20%, which they rightly called “inhuman and humiliating.”  They correctly replied with,“We are not the object of mercy, the economy moves with our toil,” pointing out that all value is produced by the working class and then stolen by the parasitical ruling class.  Thousands of workers in Bangladesh have been murdered in fires and building implosions this past year in the pursuit of profit.  Though all of these working class deaths were mostly women, there were men and children who died as well.  The families of those affected are also in desperate situations since capitalism doesn’t have to take care of the working class, only its own profit. 


As the working class fights back, PLP will continue to grow.  Our friends in Greece and Bangladesh will continue to spread our message of Communist Revolution.  Anybody who wants to help build a new world that meets our needs should also help to build the PLP.


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Capitalism Murders in Bangladesh and All Over the World

Capitalism is murdering workers all over the world.  It is slowly grinding us to death under the weight of starvation wages that don’t cover the costs of living within their sick twisted system.  The profit system also literarily flares up and murders workers outright as they produce the material that those who die the slow death must sell for a living wage.  Hundreds of Women, children, and men have been burned to death over the past five years in Bangladesh so that rich capitalists can rake in huge profits.  The most recent factory fire in Dhaka where over 100 of our working class brothers and sisters were burned alive, many beyond recognition, as the factory didn’t have fire escapes or enough emergency exits, is just another example of how capitalism brutalizes the working class. It would be great if strikes that have shut down the ports in LA would happen every time that workers were killed.


As the New Depression rages and arch-racist puppet Obama attacks our social safety net and tries to install a new war budget with the bogeyman of the “fiscal cliff”, and the capitalist’s media trumpets that we need to shop shop shop on Black Friday, workers all over the world are fighting back.  Workers in McDonalds are striking for a better wage.  Workers in Wal-Mart and their allies are also striking to organize a union and fight back against the starvation wages that cause them to have to accept social services in order to have access to health care and to make ends meet.  We must not forget that Obama, on behalf of his finance capitalist masters, is attacking these very same social services that so many depend upon.


Thousands and thousands of refugees from Hurricane Sandy are scattered in hotels all over New York City.  Many of them don’t have ready access to food, and virtually none have access to new homes.  While hundreds of empty luxury condos are all over Brooklyn and New York City gentrifying the neighborhoods, capitalist Bloomberg sheds tears that they are doing all they can and then pats themselves on the back for what they have done.  The Red Cross abandoned so many refugees that they had to protest in front of them in order to get a promise of aid. Illustrating the intense racism and nationalism at the heart of capitalism, even though these workers have been brutalized, the plight of the undocumented workers is even worse as they aren’t getting anything from whatever relief is available.


The fires in Bangladesh are fueling the worker’s rage.  Thousands and thousands of angry workers have taken to the streets demanding that safety regulations are met.  Thousands of workers in Greece, Spain, Italy, and Portugal are battling the austerity programs that Capitalism is using to rip billions of dollars from the working class to ensure the profits of the rich capitalists. 


The fires in Bangladesh, the bombs falling in Palestine, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, the strikes in Wal-Mart and McDonalds, the refuges of Hurricane Sandy who are abandoned, the families of those who’ve been murdered by the racist NYPD, and the workers in Europe fighting austerity, are all fighting to reform some aspect of capitalism in order to try to make life under it more bearable.  Capitalism cannot be reformed to meet the needs of the working class because it must maximize profit.  Only a society directly organized to meet the needs of the working class and run by the working class can alleviate the grinding death of capitalism.  That system is Communism.  Communism will eradicate money, racism, and sexism while building a world that meets the working class’ needs.    Join the Communist Progressive Labor Party to fight for this world.  WWW.PLP.Org for more information. 

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Inter-Imperialist Conflict murders in Bangladesh and Gaza

Imperialism and Inter Imperialist rivalry plays out and it’s the workers that suffer.  As the major capitalist class wrangles on the macro level, hundreds and hundreds of workers die at the micro level.  The workers are rising up again in Egypt, while the global ambitions of a rising China and Russia challenging a crumbling US empire and their bullyboy Israel has had ramifications that have not only affected the working class in Gaza and the West Bank, but also over a hundred dead workers burned alive in Bangladesh.  The designs and plottings of the ruling class are paid in blood by the working class.



Gaza was a case study in ruling class hypocrisy.  Over a year ago, the US tried to push a UN resolution against the Assad regime in Syria condemning them for dropping bombs on their citizens.  They deplored the kind of government that would dare to drop bombs on their own citizens, the poor innocent people, and all the hand wrangling, false tears, and whatnot that accompany politicians on a humanitarian mission when oil is involved.  Russia and China were all about the fact that Assad may be a dictator and a murderer, but he’s our dictator and he gives us sweetheart deals and lets us have a base and we love him.  So, Russia and China blocked the UN from condemning Syria and following the humanitarian Imperialism that the Libya blueprint laid down.


Fast forward a year, and here we have Israel dropping bombs on Gaza.  The USA is blocking any condemnation of Israel dropping bombs on the civilian population of Gaza. Israel being an apartheid society, doesn’t recognize the Palestinians as much more than demi-humans taking up space.  Taking a page out of the How The West Was Won handbook of genocide with another out of the Nazi handbook for How To Treat A Ghetto, they have kept the Palestinian population walled up and sieged in a situation that mirrors all of the worst moments in human history.  The Israelis are carrying out their election year tradition of bombing the civilian population of Gaza to collectively punish the Islamist-Terrorist organization of Hamas.  In Israeli ideology, every Gazan is a terrorist since Hamas is the elected leadership of Gaza.  Subjecting every individual to an all-consuming hegemonic identity is called “racism”, and it is a useful tool for motivating the soldiers in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to commit atrocities on the Palestinian working class.  It is not the rich Palestinians that worry about bombs being dropped on them, as it’s the working class’ children who pay the worst price for the designs of the ruling class.  PLP, its allies, and friends in Gaza and Israel, will continue to build the kind of multi-racial, anti-nationalist, anti-capitalist Communist leadership that is needed in Israel and throughout the Levant.


As the Imperialists dropped bombs on a civilian population in the Levant, the insatiable need to increase profits at the cost of the working class has murdered over a hundred mostly female workers in Bangladesh.  They were burned beyond recognition, jumping to their deaths, crowded like cattle trying to push their way out of narrow corridors just like a century ago in downtown New York or a few years ago in the very same country!  The racist capitalists do not care about the working class.  They do not care about anything other than exporting their capital to where it can make the greatest return.  Echoing the intense oppression of the textile industry in Europe when Marx was first writing, the capitalists are at it again.

Bangladesh exports about $18 billion worth of garments every year. Workers in the country’s factories are among the lowest-paid in the world with entry-level workers earning a government-stipulated minimum wage of about $37 a month.  

Bangladesh’s garment industry, the second largest exporter of clothing after China, has a notoriously poor record of fire safety. Since 2006, more than 500 Bangladeshi workers have died in garment factory fires, according to Clean Clothes Campaign, an anti-sweatshop advocacy group based in Amsterdam. Experts say many of the fires could have been easily avoided if the factories had taken the right precautions. Many factories are in cramped neighborhoods, have too few fire escapes and widely flout safety measures. The industry employs more than three million workers in Bangladesh, mostly women. 

Most of the workers who died were on the first and second floors and were killed, fire officials said, because there were not enough exits for them to get out.

“The factory had three staircases, and all of them were down through the ground floor,” said Maj. Mohammad Mahbub, the operations director for the fire department, according to The Associated Press. “So the workers could not come out when the fire engulfed the building.”

The sexist Tazreen Fashions Limited was making over 3 million US dollars a month in profit! They had NO fire exits!  Another element of the tragedy is that they provided childcare in the factory.  How many of the women lost their children to the flames that were fueled by the capitalist’s greed?  How much did the sick fucks who caused this tragedy pocket? And what type of garments does The Tazreen Fashion Factory make you ask? WalMart garments it seems.  While WalMart is attacking its striking workforce in the US, it is literarily murdering them oversees. PLP is organizing with the striking WalMart workers in the US and is with the workers in Bangladesh who have been fighting back against the terrible conditions that capitalism has forced upon them. We will continue to support the brave women and men workers who are struggling in Bangladesh and all over the world.


The Url: can be used to send a message directly to the murdering capitalist scum Mr. Aftab uz Zaman. 

Other contact information for messages as follows:

Email:  Contact Person: Mr. Aftab uz Zaman

Telephone: 880-01711346642

Mobile: 880-1191827254

 Fax: 8802-8860025 (Head Office)


Address: Nischintapur, Zirabo, Savar, Dhaka-1341, Bangladesh 

. 499 FASHION AVE STE-12, NEW YORK, NY 10018-6803

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