Monthly Archives: January 2016

Male Genital Mutilation is Profitable

Circumcision is essentially male genital mutilation as it forcibly removes the healthy foreskin attached to a baby boy’s penis often via blunt probe and without anesthesia. A physician who performed a fatal, botched circumcision on baby Ryan Heydari in 2013 was in a recent tribunal in Ontario.   The Ontario College of Physician and Surgeons upheld a mere advisory to the physician who performed the fatal botched circumcision.

Heydari’s parents would have preferred keeping him whole and intact. However, shortly after his birth, and with the physicians insistence, the couple took him in for the procedure. Hours later, they returned him to the hospital with a bloody diaper. The infant died a week later, having lost over 30% of his blood from the operation. While circumcision killed baby Ryan, capitalism directed the instruments.

The bosses’ “medical experts” – including the World Health Organization, funded by the Exxon-Mobil funding Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – have boosted routine infant circumcision as a way to keep males hygienic, prevent penile cancer, and even lower a man’s risk of getting HIV! That is like saying cutting off your toes reduces your chances of getting asthma. Hygiene of the male penis comes from proper washing, removing part of the penis to prevent cancer is like removing an infant’s nipples to prevent breast cancer, too young, too soon, and too absurd. As far as lowering a man’s risk of HIV, the fact that the HIV may hide in the foreskin and slowly creep in long after the sex act hit absurd and then started digging.

This profit system is the reason why. Since the 1980s, hospitals in the U.S. have sold cut foreskins to bio-medical and cosmetic companies for skin-grafts, insulin production, and anti-aging skin-creams. Foreskins feature fibroblasts. These are connective tissues made of amino acids, proteins, and collagens that can quickly grow new cells. One foreskin can produce $100,000 worth of fibroblasts. So, it is less important to the capitalists that anything is prevented, but more like millions of dollars in skin is attached to the head of a baby’s penis.

Circumcision brings in $1.75 billion annually for the U.S. This is the net profit after procedure costs, repair costs, and physician reimbursements. Physicians can pocket $167 per operation when adjusted for medical inflation to 2010, meaning if they perform five a week, they can generate an additional $3,340 monthly, further proving a profit incentive to cut. (Van Howe, 2004) and cut they do, as often as they can to as many infant males as they can.

Companies that profit from the mutilation of infant boys include Intercyx, which receives funding from the imperialist U.S. Department of Defense; SkinMedica, which cashes checks from both the Perseus Soros BioPharmaecutical Fund, a venture capital company managed by working-class misleader George Soros; and Apax Partners Inc. Alan Patricof, who founded Apex, and who regularly donates to campaigns for racist Democratic shills Bill and Hilary Clinton.

Fear mongering and false consciousness supported by the bosses’ favorite opiate, religion, also play a critical role in the procedure’s popularity. The three largest Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – circumcise their male babies because they believe that a promise was made during a conversation between Abraham and his deity. He was ordered to circumcise himself and his sons, along with every male descendant eight days old. These parents are continuing to cut their children because an alleged sky being told a 99-year-old man to do so to himself – this is another example of religion’s nonsensical edicts.

All the religious nonsense aside, even if the religious edicts were a cover to an actual necessary adaptive process to living in a desert environment with a lack of water, at this point, many of the justifications for male circumcision parallel Female Genital Mutilation. The hygiene argument may have held water in an environment that couldn’t support the necessary washing, but now circumcision also has an aspect that specifically concerns sexuality. Male circumcision became prevalent in America as a way to curb masturbation and it has been considered to be more appealing to women; female genital mutilation is rooted in the sexist ideas of chastity and increasing male sexual pleasure at the expense of the female herself. Capitalism is mutilating baby boys for financial gain. Only Communist revolution will put a permanent end to routine infant circumcision based on profit or the brain numbing false consciousness of religion.

Circumcision and the HIV Lies
The claim that circumcision reduces a man’s chances of getting HIV comes from three highly flawed WHO randomized clinical trials on uncircumcised and circumcised men in Africa. (

As a result, African nations with high HIV rates boost adult male circumcision to combat the virus. They claim these men will have a 60% reduced chance of contracting HIV.

Therefore, many adult men who have undergone the procedure in South Africa believe they are HIV-negative. According to a recent Voice of America article, these men are engaging in unprotected sex as a result, believing they are “too clean” to attract the disease.

In 2013, local sex workers who spoke with a Zimbabwean publication revealed their circumcised clients were refusing to wear condoms for this reason. This creates further dangers for women forced into prostitution in these nations because of sexism.

A Pub study also found that in the RCT’s a Ugandan male-to-female trial resulted in a 61% HIV increase in female partners of HIV-positive, circumcised males. .

U.S,. Bosses are, unsurprisingly spearheading Africa’s circumcision initiative. Between 2011 and 2013, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) helped cover 4.7 million circumcisions throughout the continent.













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During the first week of January the Obama administration put into practice its promise to round up recent immigrants from Central America for deportation. ICE has arrested almost 500 immigrants, all subject to deportation, mostly in North Carolina, Georgia, Texas and California, but also in New Jersey, New York and other states.

Members of the immigrant’s rights organization we PLP members are in, as well as the wider community, are understandably alarmed and afraid. The organization has begun workshops informing immigrants of their legal “rights” if they are confronted by ICE. There’s also talk of finding sanctuary in churches for immigrants at risk of deportation. We in PLP are supporting these measures. But the organization is downplaying this surge in deportations as “normal” ICE activity. They are relying on good lawyers to represent immigrants in deportation hearings and trying to get “local” laws passed to protect immigrants within particular cities. While PLP is never opposed to good lawyers, these approaches are at best illusory and at worst part of liberal policy to pacify the working class and allow racist divisions to grow.

So what does communist leadership within the mass organizations mean now? Communists are against panic; we aim to strengthen the working class. We must do a number of things:

  • Develop workers’ understanding of how imperialist rivalry and constant war is related to attacks on immigrants world-wide,
  • Relate deportations to the surge in racism in the US beginning with daily police killings of black workers and youth to anti-Muslim attacks to anti-immigrant attacks,
  • Expose how the capitalist ruling class and their media seize on “fear of terrorism” to blame immigrants and Syrian refugees for the entry of terrorists into the US and Europe while obscuring the criminal, racist and fascist nature of cpaitalism,
  • Denounce how capitalist governments from Europe to the US. are closing borders, leaving refugees from war, starvation and misery to die.

Workers ask us communists in PLP about what will happen in the future. We tell them that we can’t predict the future. Our answers depend on communist understanding of how capitalism works and our confidence in the international working class. Workers will continue to find ways to cross borders and will continue to be a source of cheap labor in the US. The US government will continue to welcome technology experts, scientists, researchers and others who can help US imperialism to project its power in the world and remain on top. It is likely that there will be a guest worker program to allow in immigrants for limited periods of time to work in agriculture, food packing and other industries, but without any of the so-called labor rights that workers in the US currently have. The focus will be on programs that will guarantee rights for youth who join the military as ground troops in imperialist wars.

In our mass organizations, we have strongly called for demands that can put the working class on the offensive: no deportations, immediate acceptance of hundreds of thousands of Syrian war refugees, open all borders for workers and amnesty now for all immigrants in the US, no restrictions. We want fightback that will include all workers, immigrant and citizen, black, Latin, Asian, white, same enemy, same fight. We will never accept any form of racism as “usual or normal.”

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