The Guardian Guards Capitalism

The Guardian, a newspaper based in the UK, sees itself as part of the left and as socialist leaning. Though it’s the platform that launched Edward Snowden’s revelations as the extent of US fascistic spying, its terrible politics were recently on display. In one article they compared the brave Communist led International Brigades in Spain to the fascist Al Qaeda genocidal sexists in Syria and in another, they taught the lie that “capitalism isn’t working”. Social democrats and their ilk love to push this lie. The truth is that Capitalism is working just fine. It is a system based on maximizing profit. It’s doing what it’s supposed to do — make the rich rich, keep the poor poor, and drive the human race to world war and massive death and destruction.

Capitalism is an economic relationship, the base, where maximum power is given to the capitalist based on the amount of labor stolen from the worker, the dispossessed proletariat. The economic relationship of capital determines the society it warps in order to preserve its system of production. The social forces that preserve the economic base are called the superstructure. Socialism is nothing more than a choice between capitalism and capitalism.

Social democrats and their ilk want to push the lie that capitalism isn’t working now. They want us to believe that capitalism can be reformed in such a way as to meet the needs of the working class. It can’t. The more labor that the capitalists steal, the more profit they make. They give us just enough to keep us from fighting back, but, in the end, they even take the crumbs they once gave back when they’re able to. The time period discussed where capitalism had an aberration was when the international communist movement was at its most revolutionary. The working class was on the move and fighting back against the tendencies of capitalism to do nothing but steal from us then, because it had revolutionary communist leadership.

The International Brigades sacrificed their lives in order to make a better world. They fought the fascists in order to help to liberate women from a sexist culture, religious ideology, and to help overthrow a fascist coup. They sacrificed their lives in order to help the entire international working class. George Monbiot, a writer for the Guardian, compared a fascist blowing himself up to liberate other fascists from a fascist prison so that more workers could be slaughtered in a civil war that is a proxy war between imperialists using religion as a façade to the International Brigades’ volunteers. How dare this author connect an individual willing to die for Al Qaeda to the thousands who died trying to liberate women and in the struggle for an internationalist answer to the fight against racism and capitalism! Despite the political weaknesses of the Old Communist movement, the comparison is disingenuous and a massive expression of ignorance. This sick and disgusting comparison was done in order to help to build sympathy for the most virile and fascist rebels fighting the fascist government. The working class does not have a fight with any of those factions. The workers in Syria need to join The Progressive Labor Party and fight for Communism. The butcher Assad and the various groups who serve either transnational terrorists or imperialists, who are the real terrorists, will never serve the working class. The Guardian doesn’t guard the working class’ interests, only Challenge Desafio does.

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One thought on “The Guardian Guards Capitalism

  1. […] have been stumbling all over themselves trying to figure out who to support in the SCW. The Guardian supported Jabhat al Nusrah. PLP has continued to point out that all of the factions are not going to emancipate the working […]


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